photo of male band performing on stadium
photo of male band performing on stadium

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Are You a Vocalist? Watch this video

Artist Royalties!

We Songs and Free Gift will be phasing out of a flat fee payment to vocalist artist for their vocals for hire to simply a royalty payment system.

Welcome to Songs And Free Gift

Songs And Free Gift is an online store that offers a unique platform for songwriters/artists to sell their music and gain exposure. With our upcoming app, music fans can stay updated on new releases and have a chance to buy a song and get a free 10 song album! Join our community and support talented artists today!

assorted-color jazz guitar lot
assorted-color jazz guitar lot

Our Amazing New App!

Our amazing new app will have the viral potential reach of millions of smart phones and Ipads! Imagine just 80,000 app users out of a million, purchases your single or album! That's a possible $80,000 in 30 days of your song release. These are not impossible numbers if your music is that good. This platform basically is designed to amplify the sells of your single releases. You can still sell your albums however, it cannot be the same album offered free for a single song purchase. You would be faced with angry clients who paid $10 for your album when they could've gotten the album free on a single song purchase of $1 for example. So make sure your older albums are with the single song purchases. Not your new latest albums.

Discover New Music Singles and Get a whole Free music Album on one song Purchase!

Explore a unique platform that offers music lovers a FREE music album gift with a single song purchase! Download our upcoming 'Songs N Free Gift' app to stay updated on new music releases and get more FREE Gift Albums!

two men playing DJ controllers at night time
two men playing DJ controllers at night time
man playing drum in subway
man playing drum in subway
Customer Reviews

Songs And Free Gift offers a wide range of music albums from various artists with a single song purchase from each artist.

The free Music Album gift is a fantastic bonus! It's a great incentive to purchase music singles from Songs And Free Gift.

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